Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Coincidence - Random, or not so random, that is the question.

Coincidence (definition from Google)

A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. Correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.

concurrence - accident - chance

Often when events, or details of an event may repeat, we call it a coincidence. "Oh how funny, that is crazy, what a coincidence!" However, what if we take a deeper look at this occurrence and consider the possibility that there's something to it, something more than just a random sequence of circumstances.

I would like to even go farther and propose that there are no coincidences!
I believe that this is the universe (or God or whatever you want to call it (TBD)), trying to get our attention to show us something. A lesson, reflection, an opportunity for deeper understanding and growth. However, maybe the mind, or we as humans don't want to go there. Thinking things like "it's too hard, too confusing, what if I interpret it incorrectly, what if it means something "bad"". So as the mind does best, it simplifies. It dismisses this occurrence as just a simple coincidence. If we can take the mindset that any lesson learned is a good one, however and whenever it is learned, then we might start to see that these "coincidences" aren't quite as simple as we think. 

Here are a couple of examples that have come up in my life and around me. They aren't ground breaking or extremely entertaining, just meaningful occurrences that I chose to learn from, instead of ignore.

This past fall after a long day at work and a shower, I put on some loungie clothes...yoga pants and a TShirt. The interesting part is that the Tshirt I put on was one that I never wear, maybe in a year I have worn it once. I look down at the Tshirt and realize that I got it when I did the walk to end modern day slavery. Then I realized that the walk was 1 year ago to the day. The date of the walk isn't on the Tshirt, nor was I aware of that anniversary throughout the day.

For me, this Tshirt "coincidence" made me take a moment, pause, and look back on where I was 1 year ago that day. During that reflection time I realized all of the progress that I had made in my personal life, and that I had come a long way. It was a moment where the universe took me by the shoulders and shook me until I got the message, saying "hey, you're doing a good job!, look at where you were then and where you are now!"

That was my lesson and I know it's the right lesson, because it's right for me. It applies directly to my life and the changes I had been going through over the past year. I didn't need anyone to confirm it or validate it because I could feel that I had received the message, loud and clear.

This one is also about clothes, and is about a friend of mine who recently moved away.
Before she left she was visiting some old friends over in the city that she first lived in when she moved here after college. They went to their favorite old bar, and reminisced on the past 3 years. In that moment she realized that she was wearing the exact same dress that she was wearing 3 years ago when she moved there. Again, this was not a dress that she wore often, not even one of her favorites, and she wasn't aware of that (quasi) anniversary when she put it on in the morning.

Of course, this is for her to interpret because it's up to her to find the meaning of the message. However, knowing her very well and her experiences up until her move, I can imagine that the universe was giving her a glimpse back to the past. To reflect on what was, how far she has come since then, and to look at where she is going moving forward. Same city, same bar, same dress, same people, just 3 years later. If that isn't a clear message, I don't know what is.

 Regardless of your stance, you are right, because that is what works for you, in your life.
 Just consider this: As we play this game of life, it might help to take some signs from the universe, analyze that message, learn that lesson, and move forward to the next space.

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